All of our articles have photos – usually these are our own taken when conducting interviews for our many stories or sometimes they are supplied to make the story more appealing to our readers.

Here we share the best of the last week in photos.

There was only one story on Monday – that Humza Yousaf would become the next First Minister of Scotland after a close run contest PHOTO ©2023 The Edinburgh Reporter

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This is Leith Walk between Annandale Street and McDonald Road. There has been a call for bollards on the pavements along Leith Walk as a matter of urgency. Cllr Susan Rae said ‘rampant’ pavement parking and drivers ignoring the ‘no left turn’ onto London Road was increasingly putting pedestrians at risk of injury or even death.

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This was one of our most popular articles of the last week. This is William Kivlin who had a dream while sitting in a homeless hostel. He wrote a business plan and the dream turned into reality. PHOTO Lee Live courtesy of Midlothian and East Lothian Chamber of Commerce

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Air Canada has announced it will resume and extend its non-stop service between Edinburgh and Toronto.Starting from June 2023, the service will operate up to daily during the summer peak, and continue three times weekly into the winter season until January 8. It is currently planned to return in early spring 2024. The photo is an Air Canada Boeing 787

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Each month the Old Edinburgh Society remind us of the historical significance of each day of the month. The Catherine Sinclair Monument on St Colme Street is important in April. Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam

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The sad news broke on Saturday that Ken Buchanan had died at the age of 77.The Ken Buchanan Statue was unveiled in August 2022 by former Lord Provosts Donald Wilson and Frank Ross for world champion boxer Ken at the top of Leith Walk on Little King StreetPhotographed with fellow boxer, Jim Watt. PHOTO Alan Simpson Photography

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The Little Farmers Easter Event at Craigies Farm Deli & Café is on during the Easter holidays.

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