
Police Scotland today launches a campaign to raise awareness about online safety for children aged between 9 and 16.

The Stay Safe Online campaign is to help children, parents, teachers and carers improve their knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe while they are online.

Launched today at Pirie Park Primary School, Glasgow, and backed by radio adverts, Stay Safe Online will provide children with the information they need. “Digi Dan’s Top Tips” will be available on the website www.digidan.co.uk.

The website includes a quiz for and youngsters can download Digi Dan’s ibook to keep his online safety tips.

The campaign targets two age groups, the younger group, from 9-12 years old will receive ten top tips from a cartoon character, Digi Dan, who is an internet explorer and knows everything about staying safe online. Packs for youngsters including leaflets, posters, mousemats and water bottles will be distributed to schools across Scotland promoting Digi Dan and his website.

Older children will also receive advice about keeping safe online including tips on password security, social media posting, sexting, how to deal with inappropriate pictures and who to contact for help.

Detective Chief Inspector William Cravens said: “Police Scotland is committed to building Safer Virtual Communities for everyone. We want to help children to enjoy the benefits of the Internet by being able to Stay Safe Online.

“All children and young people need to understand they should only share pictures online that they are happy with friends, family and others seeing. They also need to know how to keep their personal information private and to contact an adult if they feel threatened.

“Any child who feels risk or is worried should speak to a parent, guardian or teacher or can phone Police Scotland on 101 or Childline on 0800 1111.”

Further information about our Stay Safe Online campaign will appear on the Police Scotland website www.scotland.police.uk; on Twitter @PoliceScotland and Facebook: www.facebook.com/PoliceScotland.

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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.