FREE PIC- Monster Jeely Piece Challenge 04

The Monster Jeely Piece Challenge pulled into Waverley station yesterday as Edinburgh Social Enterprise Network (ESEN) team up with Breadshare and Tiphereth in a Jar  – to stage the creation of the biggest jeely piece (jam sandwich) to date in the UK.

Sandwich construction began at 11am on Friday morning, with piece tasting from 1pm.  The challenge launched the “Eat the Good Stuff” campaign which aims to promote the range of high quality food social enterprises in Edinburgh.

The staged event took place in Waverley Station at the “LocalMotive Markets” site, alongside platform 2 where the new Borders Railway now arrives.

Linsay Chalmers, Network Coordinator said: “Weeks of preparation and logistical planning have gone into this world first “monster jeely piece” attempt. There has been a lot to consider for the Breadshare and Tiphereth social enterprise teams who have calculated the jeely piece will be 1.8m x 1.6m in size and will need 12 kilos of strawberry jam to make it possible. They are now working against the clock to make it happen and everyone is welcome on the day to view and try this jam filled master-‘piece’!

Linsay added: “Commuters will be able to watch the monster sandwich being created from 11am giving it a taste test around 1.00pm and it will then be cut up into 768 individual sandwiches for sharing with commuters, railway staff and passers-by.

“We are keen to promote Edinburgh’s food social enterprises through our “Eat the Good Stuff” campaign and be the first in the UK to create a giant jeely piece – especially as it is Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink – we felt we had to mark the occasion with some great local and organic foodie, social enterprise produce.”

“And next year we hope to have a monster scone bake-off” with some of our other social enterprises.”

Juliet Donnachie, Station Manager, Waverley Station said: “Edinburgh Waverley is Scotland’s largest station so it’s only fitting it should also be home to the country’s biggest jeely piece. The market has been a popular addition to the station over the past year and events like this add a little unexpected fun to passengers’ journeys.”

Photography from:  Colin Hattersley Photography – – – 07974 957 388

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.