On Wednesday, 13 December, 2023, Edinburgh police officers searched a house in the Jewel area and recovered a quantity of drugs, believed to be cannabis, cocaine and diazepam.

The haul has an estimated street value of £183,000.

During the search PD Freddie, a six-year-old Springer Spaniel and specialist drugs search dog, indicated to officers that drugs were concealed within a particular room of the house. Officers were then able to recover the above drugs which had been hidden away.

A five-figure sum of cash was also seized, along with a number of designer shoes, estimated to be worth more than £6,000.

A 25-year-old man has been arrested and charged in connection with this recovery and he is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday, 14 December 2023.

A report will be forwarded to the Procurator Fiscal.

Deputy Local Area Commander Inspector Kirsty McArthur- Kerr said: “This recovery highlights our commitment to the crackdown on illicit drugs in our local community and we will continue to use every resource at our disposal to remove these illegal substances from our community.

“We rely on the help and support of the public. We urge anyone with information or concerns regarding drugs in their local area, to contact us through 101 or anonymously to Crimestoppers.”

Edinburgh Diwali. © 2023 Martin McAdam