Edible Estates

Edinburgh Growing Together will help deliver community growing projects on council housing land which were identified as possible gardens. This will be a multi year project supporting some existing gardens as well as new ones which will be created. Support services will vary according to what each site needs.

Read more here.

Friends of Montgomery Street Park

The heater skelter in the park is out of use after the council deemed it ready to be demolished. The Friends have other ideas, and have persuaded the council to wait for now.

A full redevelopment of the play park is planned this year with contractors due on site next month. ÂŁ230,000 of funding has been allocated to be spent on a new design. The Friends will pay for an independent assessment to see it the heeler skelter can be saved. If it can then the group will begin fundraising. If you are interested in joining the Friends in helping to improve the park then email friendsofmontgomerystpark@gmail.com.

Tram testing

The live daytime testing phase began on Wednesday with the first full speed trams travelling down Leith Walk. The trams will of course be seen more regularly in the weeks to come, but were still a novelty to the people on pavements who took time to stop and stare.

This testing is necessary not just for the 40 new drivers taken on by Edinburgh Trams, but also to test out the systems along the route.

Read more here.

PHOTO Ross Nixon

Council meeting today

The monthly meeting of the council’s Transport & Environment Committee will be held at the City Chambers today. The agenda and all the papers including a link to watch the meeting from 10am is on the council website here.

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