TER Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby has a very shiny nose – Tram testing to begin on Tuesday – Haddowfest – People’s Health Trust offering funding – Tonight at the Cameo


It is reported that the Greyfriars Bobby statue has a shiny nose again, just days after the council spent £500 having the statue revived and the nose blackened. The BBC say that only 48 hours after the works carried out the  other day tourists have been rubbing his nose and the black has come off already. Back to the drawing board no doubt!


The council have taken over the next phase of the tram line and will be testing the trams on it from Tuesday of next week all the way to Edinburgh Park which means crossing under the Gogar Roundabout. Look out for the trams! More information here.


Haddowfest updated -poster


The People’s Health Trust has just opened ‘Active Communities’ in Edinburgh and the Lothians, a funding programme which may be of interest to groups and charities across the city. They are offering grants of between £5,000-£50,000 for projects lasting up to two years. The programme closes for applications on Wednesday 16 October 2013 at 12pm.


People’s Health Trust is an independent charity which funds local groups with great ideas in order to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age. Their funding newsflash can be seen at this link, and tells you all you need to know about Active Communities. The Guidance Notes can also be found at www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk.


Tonight at the Cameo you have your pick of Edinburgh films:- Filth and Sunshine on Leith. Do send us your thoughts on both of these films! Booking details here.