Pop in event today on the future of Princes Street has been cancelled but there are two more this month.

The first of three pop in events is being held today for the public to have their say on the future of Princes Street, the Gardens and Waverley Station. The council has named the area the Waverley Valley although that seems to be a new name. It covers the gardens and the Ross Bandstand as well as the station which is run by Network Rail.

The council says it wants to create a “high quality public realm” while protecting the street and the heritage of the area as part of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The first event is at the Central Library.

Thursday 16 January. 10am to 2pm. Central Library foyer, 7-9 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EG CANCELLED

Wednesday 29 January. 3pm to 7pm. Waverley Station main concourse.

Monday 3 February. 1pm to 5pm. City Arts Centre, 2 Market Street, EH1 1DE

Read more about the plans here.

Consultation on affordable housing in Craigmillar

There is an information event on 21 January in Craigmillar Library to get the public’s views of proposals for a mixed development of housing and commercial premises in the centre of the area.

The site is on the south side of Niddrie Mains Road where the Tesco Express store is. The plans include buiding affordable homes above shops linking with the Seacole Square development. There could be up to 125 net zero carbon homes built here with a new frontage on Niddrie Mains Road. There has been recent development in Craigmillar creating more than 1,250 new homes with a new local office for the council, schools shops and green spaces.

The drop-in session will be held at Craigmillar Library on Tuesday 21 January between 3pm and 7pm. This follows an initial event held on Tuesday 12 November, as part of the Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) planning process.

Everyone can share their views on the council’s Consultation Hub from 21 January until Tuesday 4 March.

February newspaper

We are on the hunt for new stories for our February newspaper as well as advertisers who want to book a space in forthcoming issues. Ask us now about the deals we can create for you or take a look at the off the shelf packages here. https://ko-fi.com/theedinburghreporter/shop

Click on the image below to read this month’s newspaper.

Ceilidh on in Portobello

Calton Hill Conservation Trust – litter pick

The Trust is holding a Litter pickup Saturday which will begin at 10am from outside the City Observatory on Calton Hill. It will last for an hour and a half. All are welcome and refreshments are provided.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.