Pianodrome free concerts

From tomorrow there will be a series of free concerts at Pianodrome which is situated in the Wee Hub in Ocean Terminal. All concerts begin at 1pm. If you don’t yet know what Pianodrome is then read more here.

Thur 19 – TBC

Sat 21 – Aurora Engine

Thur 26 – Freya Rae and Siannie McDougall Moodie

Sat 28 – Patagonia Latin Sound

An invitation from the Ukrainian Club

The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) Edinburgh branch invites everyone to an upcoming event on 22 October sponsored by £eith Chooses. There will be a selection of Ukrainian art workshops for adults and children, traditional food and refreshments, live performances by Ukrainian singers, the Edinburgh Ukrainian choir Oberhih, the dance ensemble Kvity Ukrainy, and the Ukrainian children’s choir Harmony among others.

Planning matters

Permission for a 5G mast was refused by the council on the basis that it was too utilitarian for the Grange area of the city.

Read more here.

At the Scottish International Storytelling Festival

On Friday 20th and Friday 27th Guid Crack is on at the Waverley Bar at 7.30pm (2hrs 30) By donation 18+

Two festival specials of Edinburgh’s long-running storytelling night, featuring a guest storytellers Grace Banks (Friday 20) and Claire McNicol (Friday 27). With an open-floor section to share a tale of your own.

More details here

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.