Leith Comedy Festival

Three years late, eventually this weekend the Leith Comedy Festival takes place all around Leith in different venues. There will be walking tours, an Opening Night Gala at Leith Arches, an introduction to Laughter Yoga and after many other events a Closing Night Gala at the Biscuit Factory.

At the opening evening gala Billy Kirkwood will be the host of a show featuring among others, Joe McTernan and Marjolein Robertson.

On Saturday there is a family event for everyone to enjoy a good laugh. Soup Group begins at 3.30pm at Leith Depot. Tickets here.

While some one-off events have taken place this is the first proper weekend festival.

Comedy for good. Laughter for all.

Sign up to a gardening group

The gardening group which meets at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre is looking for new members.

Turn up from 1pm on Mondays. Scan the QR code on the poster for a map.

Edinburgh Community Food AGM

The Edinburgh Community Food AGM will be held on 10 October from 11.30am until 1.30pm at Out of the Blue Drill Hall on Dalmeny Street.

This organisation is a food and health charity which puts on cooking courses, hygiene and nutrition training, fruit and veg sales.

Everyone is welcome. booking of free places is essential.

Something for Monday

Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust would like to take you on a bat walk on Monday 9 October at 6pm. Meet at the playpark at 6pm.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.