And a good time was had by all, despite using one of the least friendly routes for cyclists – the newly tramlines Leith Walk.

There was only one incident of a driver becoming a bit annoyed with the large group of cyclists, with their music, bicycle bells and general good cheer.

The purpose of the ride is to reclaim the space for cyclists, get to know parts of the city less travelled and meet other cyclists while having fun.

Three councillors attended today’s ride – Cllr Vicki Nicolson, SNP, Cllr Jack Caldwell, LibDem and Cllr Chas Booth, Scottish Greens. A veritable rainbow of representation.

Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
On Leith Walk Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Cllrs Vicki Nicolson and Jack Caldwell showing a bit of cross-party collaboration Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam