Edinburgh Police are beginning Operation Boxy on Monday.

The operation will run in the Pentland Hills Regional Park from 5 July to 31 July 2021 and will focus on the Edinburgh side of the hills – Bonaly Country Park, Harlaw, Torduff, Clubbiedean and Threipmuir reservoirs and surrounding areas. Partnership organisations the Pentland Hills Regional Park (PHRP), Scottish Water and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will also be involved.

The purpose of the Operation is to combat anti-social behaviour and encourage responsible access and use of the Pentland Hills, including the reservoirs.

There will be daily patrols during this time when Police Officers and PHRP Officers will engage with members of the public with the purpose of education and prevention.

Where necessary police officers will enforce the law.To report any criminal issues you should call 101 or 999 in an emergency, and advise the call handler that the call relates to ‘Operation Boxy’.

Police say that using the What3words app is proving extremely effective in pinpointing exact locations.

Clubbiedean Reservoir in the Pentland Hills above Colinton. PHOTO by Nigel Duncan Media
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.