Meerkats made of papier-mâché have appeared on Leith Links which photographer Ian Jacobs caught on camera earlier today.

It is a bit of a mystery still as to why they are there… so if you know then could you perhaps enlighten us?

We wonder if perhaps they are there to keep an eye on whoever has been moving the Covid-19 barriers to allow cars into a road space reserved for those on wheels or Shanks’s pony on Links Gardens?

Leith Links, Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK. 20210111Leith Links MeerkatsCredit: Ian Jacobs
Leith Links, Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK. 20210111Leith Links MeerkatsCredit: Ian Jacobs
Leith Links, Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK. 20210111Leith Links MeerkatsCredit: Ian Jacobs
Leith Links, Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK. 20210111Leith Links MeerkatsCredit: Ian Jacobs
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.


  1. These statues are so good, but I fear the dogs of the area may think it is a new “Watering Hole”?
    In the Figgate Park in Portobello someone has been leaving painted stones and another person has left “pompoms”
    It is fun to see what has been left when we go there for our Excersize. Brightens up a dull cold day so much. Thank you
    to the folk who are doing this to cheer up walkers young and I don’t want to say the word ,so will rephrase to say
    “recycled teenagers”!

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