Alastair Shields, who was initially elected to The City of Edinburgh Council as a Liberal Democrat, and who retired from the council at this month’s election, has said he will now support the Conservatives.

MrĀ Shields represented the Lib Dems in Edinburghā€™s Almond ward last term before becoming an independent councillor latterly, said he would now campaign for the Scottish Conservatives in Edinburgh West.

He said the party was ā€œticking both boxesā€ when it came to respecting the results of the independence and EU referendums, and ā€œfighting hardest for the centre groundā€.

Mr Shields is the latest former Labour or Liberal Democrat member to switch to the Scottish Conservatives ahead of next monthā€™s election.

Pledging to get his ā€œcanvassing shoes onā€, he said: ā€œIn Edinburgh West, the Scottish Conservatives appeal to the electorate because they spend more time talking about their own campaign pledges and the potential of their candidates.

ā€œThey put across a simple message: we will deliver, vote for us.

ā€œIt feels like something of a revolution is developing in Scotland. Ruth Davidson puts people and communities at the top of the agenda, leaving talk of independence behind. Weā€™ve had that discussion
and the Scottish people rejected it. Letā€™s move on.ā€

Sandy Batho

Scottish Conservative Edinburgh West candidate Sandy Batho said:Ā ā€œAlastair is one of many former Labour and Lib Dem members switching their support to the Scottish Conservatives.

ā€œThatā€™s because people want to see a party which will fight the SNP in standing up for Scotlandā€™s place in the UK, and respect last yearā€™s Brexit vote too.

ā€œAll over the country the party is making strides, and itā€™s abundantly clear we are the only ones capable of standing up to the SNP and its divisive drive for another independence referendum.ā€

The full list of candidates for Edinburgh West is as follows :

Edinburgh West
BATHO, Sandy – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
GIUGLIANO, Toni – Scottish National Party (SNP)
JARDINE, Christine Anne – Scottish Liberal Democrats
TELFORD, Mandy – Scottish Labour Party
WHITTET, Mark Robertson – Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party