13.2 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Government is “wasting money on independence” needed for heritage and the...

Lothians MSP Foysol Choudhury has accused the government of wasting money on independence which would be better spent on heritage, culture and the arts...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced.The figures in...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced.The figures in...

Labour politicians demand clarity over flu vaccination in Edinburgh

Daniel Johnson MSP, and Ian Murray MP, have written to the First Minister regarding problems in Edinburgh over access to the seasonal flu jab.They...

Scottish Ministers write to UK Government challenging the threats to wildlife

Scotland’s Environment Minister Mairi McAllan and Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater have written a joint letter to the UK Government urging them to drop the...

Coronavirus – vaccinations will now be offered to 16 and 17-year-olds

All young people in Scotland who are aged 16 or 17 will now be offered the Covid-19 vaccination.The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)...

First Minister writes to new Prime Minister

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, wrote to the new Prime Minister Liz Truss on Tuesday, offering congratulations on her appointment, but also asking for fast...

A plan to fight “loneliness”

The Scottish Government has launched one of the first attempts by any government in the world to tackle loneliness and social isolation.  The plan...

MSP in fresh call to keep Redford Barracks

Local MSP Gordon MacDonald has called on Tory Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson to reverse his predecessor’s proposals to close Redford Cavalry and Infantry Barracks by 2022. Former...

Scottish National Investment Bank vital in Green New Deal

Helping Scotland transition to net-zero carbon emissions is at the heart of the new Scottish National Investment Bank, Public Finance Minister Kate Forbes said.As...

SNP agree timetable for choosing a new leader

The SNP National Executive Council (NEC) has this evening agreed a timetable for members of the Scottish National Party to choose a new leader. Nomination...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

At St Andrew's House today the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has just announced the latest figures for today, 22 October 2020, detailing the...

Coronavirus – quarantine rules changed again

Travellers from the Czech Republic and Jamaica will be required to self-isolate at home or another specified address for 14 days on arrival in...

Political ping pong continues over the weekend

The First Minister, Humza Yousaf has written to all party leaders in what he says is an effort to build consensus for the common...

Coronavirus – Thursday’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the 24 hours to 15 April in Scotland are shown below.There...

Scottish Government and Police Scotland prepare for the US President’s visit...

Newly appointed Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf was briefed by senior Police Scotland officers on how preparations for the visit of the US President Donald...

Pedal on Parliament moving forward

Representatives of cycling safety group, Pedal on Parliament, met with Scottish Government Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP, along with other MSPs and government officials...

One year of Super Sponsorship scheme

Although the government's Super sponsorship scheme welcoming displaced people from Ukraine has been paused, it is one year old.The Scottish Government became the sponsor...

Coronavirus – Thursday’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the 24 hours to 8 April in Scotland are shown below.The...

Coronavirus – red list now reduced to just seven countries

From Monday 11 October a total of 47 countries will be removed from the international travel red list.The changes, which are the first since...

Scottish Government Baby Box scheme to be fully evaluated before rollout

The announcement earlier this week that baby boxes were being introduced in  a pilot scheme in Clackmannanshire and Orkney from 1 January resulted in a storm of...

Coronavirus – new rules on pre-departure tests to come into effect...

All passengers arriving in Scotland from 4am on Friday 15 January 2021 must have a valid Covid-19 test result, taken within 72 hours of...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced by the First...

LibDems looking for answers to their list of priorities

When The Scottish Parliament returns for its new session the Liberal Democrats have said that there are three priorities to address. These are the...

Senior civil servant took taxi journeys of less than a mile

Scotland's most senior civil servant enjoyed a string of chauffeur-driven car journeys of less than a mile – all at the taxpayers’ expense.Sir Peter Housden,...

Coronavirus – Thursday’s figures

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Scotland were announced by Public Health Scotland today and are reported below.For all that...

School holiday dates will remain the same

It was announced today that school holiday dates in all 32 local authority areas will not change this Christmas.The public health advice is...

Broadcast the match free to avoid unnecessary travel say Greens

Scottish Greens say showing this weekend’s Celtic vs Rangers game on free to air tv could be an important preventative measure to help reduce...

Drug deaths in Scotland “heart-breaking”

Drugs Policy Minister Angela Constance described the increase in drug-related deaths announced on Friday as “heart-breaking”, and repeated The Scottish Government’s determination to work...

Scotland may lower Drink Driving Limit

The Scottish Government today published proposals seeking views on lowering the drink driving limit in Scotland.The consultation follows the recent transfer of the power...