13.2 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Scottish Government begins search for new Lord President for the Court...

The Scottish Government has announced that the process of appointing a new Lord President for Scotland's highest civil court, the Court of Session, has begun....

Government help for night clubs and soft play centres

First phase of business grants from new fund.Nightclubs and soft play centres that have been closed by law since March will now benefit from...

#NYCTW The Scottish Parliament will be celebrating in New York

A delegation from the Scottish Parliament are travelling to the US this weekend. They will visit Winnipeg, Ottawa and New York, meeting with parliamentarians,...

Bee disease reported in West Lothian

It has been reported by the Scottish Government today that an outbreak of European Foulbrood has been found in West Lothian. This is a...

One week left to complete the census form for your household

National Records of Scotland has confirmed that two million households have now submitted their census response, and they issue a reminder that...

Scottish Government to set out its draft budget this afternoon

Speaking ahead of presenting the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget to parliament this afternoon, Finance Secretary Derek Mackay said:“The 2018-19 budget will demonstrate beyond doubt...

Government increasing support for sportscotland

Sports in Scotland to receive additional support for grassroots through to performanceThe Scottish Government will increase sportscotland’s core funding by £2 million in 2018-19,...

Marking Good Death Week 2019 with openness

MSPs from across the political divide joined funeral directors, charities, policymakers and academics for a parliamentary reception marking Good Death Week 2019, last week....

Reflecting on the years behind us

by Jeremy Balfour MSPAt the end of every year, I find myself in a reflective state of mind. I look back over the previous...

Rice to chair new Scottish Fiscal Commission

 The Scottish Government has approved the Finance Committee's recommendations to appoint Managing Director of Lloyds Banking Group, Lady Susan Rice, as Chair of the...

Motion of No Confidence in the Deputy First Minister debated in...

A motion of no confidence in the Deputy First Minister proposed by Lothians MSP Miles Briggs was debated earlier this afternoon at The Scottish...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced firstly by The...

Government set to limit use of B&Bs for homeless

New legislation will reduce time spent in B&Bs and hostels.Anyone facing homelessness will spend no longer than a week in unsuitable accommodation like bed...

Culture Secretary announces backing for the Scottish Clan Fund

Eleven community events involving nine local authorities across Scotland will get funding of £48,000 this year. The money will support local events designed to...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures for today detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours have just been announced today, 9...

Motion tabled at Holyrood to celebrate Stockbridge Duck Race’s 30th anniversary

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs tabled a motion noting the 30th annual Stockbridge Duck Race that will take place on 30 June 2019.The annual duck...

Conservative leader calls for resignation of Health Secretary over care home...

Jackson Carlaw, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, has written to the First Minister and said that the Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman no longer has...

Building begins at new NHS hospital

The Scottish Government has instigated the building of a new temporary NHS hospital and already over 500 staff are working on site at the...

Scottish Government support the refurbishment of The Queen’s Hall

The Queen's Hall will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2023 and now in the year of History, Heritage and Archaeology the Scottish Government has  granted it...

Coronavirus – everyone over 18 can now sign up for a...

Every adult over 18 can now sign up for a vaccine appointment.Anyone aged 18 and over who has not received a first Covid-19 vaccination...

Call for pedestrian crossing on school route

West Lothian resident, Paul Mallon, asked the MSP, Foysol Choudhury, to visit Polkemmet Road in Whitburn.Both Mr Mallon and other local parents have...

Landlords get cash to go green

Three Scottish social landlords, including one in Edinburgh, have been awarded a share of a bumper fund to install more efficient heating systems for...

Lindhurst raises concerns over sharp rise in domestic abuse incidents

Lothian MSP Gordon Lindhurst has raised his concerns after new figures revealed that over 5,700 incidents of domestic abuse were recorded in Edinburgh in...

Coronavirus – Tuesday’s figures

Public Health Scotland has published the latest data on Covid-19 in Scotland.The number of cases in Scotland is stated as 3,375The number of positive...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures for today detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours have been announced.The First Minister is...

Meningitis B vaccine to be introduced in Scotland later in the...

The Scottish Government has announced that from 1 September, the meningitis B vaccine will be introduced to the routine childhood vaccination programme in Scotland.Scotland...

MSP urges everyone to learn CPR

A Lothians MSP is urging everyone living in his constituency to show their support for the British Heart Foundation this Heart Month, by helping...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced.The statistics in Scotland...

Conservatives say Scottish Government must deliver on the right priorities

As The Scottish Government gets ready to announce its programme for government later today the Conservatives call upon them not to be distracted by...

Coronavirus – December figures

Public Health Scotland publishes the latest data on Covid-19 in Scotland each day. Today's figures are set out in the table below.Any figures marked...