by Jeremy Balfour MSP

At the end of every year, I find myself in a reflective state of mind. I look back over the previous twelve months, the ups and the downs, highs and lows, and then look forward to the coming year and what aspects I want to repeat and what aspects I want to change for the better.

At this present moment, I am looking back over not just the last twelve months, but the last 2 years, as the pandemic has fostered a new way of life that we could have never imagined back in 2019.

From isolation from wider family and friends to lost experiences for my young daughters, there is no doubt that it has been tough. But on the other side, there have been moments of silver lining in two years of very dark clouds. Through working from home and during periods of home-schooling, I have been able to spend significant time with my daughters and wife that otherwise would not have been possible.

And of course, we had time to bring our rescue dog Diesel into our family.

Looking forward to the next year, my obvious wish is that we can get through this pandemic once and for all.

But in addition, it would also be nice if Hearts could win The Scottish Cup and the Scottish Conservative and Unionists had a good showing in the Local Government Elections.

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