Berwick Jewson Bandits suffered a fourth successive defeat in the Cab Direct Championshiop which has put a huge dent in their play-off hopes.

Plymouth Gladiators staged a late raid, scoring 17 points from the last four heats, to cruise home 53-37, despite guests Jason Edwards and Zach Cook supporting stand-in skipper Lewis Kerr (pictured by Taz McDougall) well, the trio accounting for all but nine of the team’s points.

Observers felt that Bandits did not look like winning on the night but Berwick chipped away at the aggregate score, trailing by a point after Kerr and the fast-starting Edwards recorded their second 5-1 and third race advantage of the night in Heat 11.

Berwick now have ten days to rally before facing Glasgow Tigers home and away with the need for an end to their losing streak growing stronger as the teams below them begin to pick up the points.

Plymouth: Troy Batchelor 10+1, Alfie Bowtell 7, Dan Thompson 12+1, Kyle Newman 8+3, Ben Barker 2, Joe Thompson 12, Jacob Hook 3+2

Berwick: Lewi Kerr 10+2, Jason Edwards 10+1, Drew Kemp 3, Danyon Hume 2, Zach Cook 8+1, Freddy Hodder 0, Paul Starke 4

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