Firefighter dies following Jenners fire

Firefighter Barry Martin who has died following a large-scale fire in the former Jenners building

Barry Martin, the 38-year-old firefighter from Fife who was among the 100 or so firefighters tackling the blaze at the former Jenners building last Monday has died from his injuries.

Minister for Community Safety Elena Whitham MSP said: “I am absolutely devastated to hear of the tragic loss of a brave and courageous firefighter. My deepest sympathies and condolences are with Barry Martin’s family, friends and colleagues.

“We’re lucky to have our valued firefighters who every day put their personal safety at risk to protect our communities and save the lives of others. Their sheer bravery and professionalism is second to none and must be commended.

“I would ask that the privacy of Barry’s family, friends and colleagues is respected at this time.”

Tributes were left outside the building from Saturday morning.

Tributes to firefighter Barry Martin outside Jenners today. Photo: © 2023, Martin P. McAdam

Work begins on Green Corridor

Work is due to start on Monday on creating the Green Corridor between Roseburn and the Union Canal.

This will create a ‘green corridor’ and cycleway and bringing disused areas back into public use.

Construction on the £12.5 million Roseburn to Union Canal Active Travel Route and Greenspace Improvements project will begin on 30 January, when site preparation starts, and is expected to last until April 2024.

Read more here.

Moving around Edinburgh

All of the many papers for the council’s monthly Transport and Environment Committee meeting are online here. The council has big plans for transport policy including a £1 billion spend on active travel. Sadly that will not include the estimated £20 million it would take to reinstate Edinburgh’s cycle hire scheme.

Read more here.

Help needed

Edinburgh TUC has commissioned a banner to mark the TUC/STUC Day of Action on Wednesday 1 February 2023.

The banner is 5 metres long and is 1 metre in height. The idea behind it is to convey to the public the trade union determination to fight the UK Government’s intention to curb workers’ right to strike. The TUC believe that if the proposed Bill becomes law it will be an abuse of a fundamental human right.

The banner is meant to be hand held. 

Des Loughney, Secretary Edinburgh TUC said: “We would like volunteers to help us display the banner (by holding it up) on the 1st February, We wish to display it at the PCS Rally in the Mound at noon on 1st February. PCS members in Edinburgh will be on strike that day across the city. We then wish to display it at the Princes Street end of the Mound pedestrian precinct at the end of the PCS rally at 1pm. This display will be for half an hour.

“Weather permitting there may be a further display of the banner at the East End of Princes Street (Wellington Statue) during the rush hour between 5pm and 5.30pm.”

Subscribe to The Edinburgh Reporter

Today we are putting the finishing touches to the February edition of The Edinburgh Reporter. We have a goal this year to recruit 500 new subscribers. This support would secure the publication of the newspaper for this year. Please do have a look at our shop if you can help us get nearer to the target.