Cllr Cammy Day is the still new leader of the City of Edinburgh Council. He leads the Labour group of 13 councillors in a minority administration.

The other 50 councillors represent a variety of other parties. You can check the makeup of the council here.

It has become usual for the leader to produce a report ahead of the meeting of the full council setting out big items of news they may wish to highlight. This allows councillors from all parties to then ask questions of the leader after he speaks to his report. Of course most of what is in the report refers to projects begun under previous administrations, but Labour has been part of the administration for the last decade.

You can read the whole report below and watch the meeting of the full council on Thursday online here.

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Cllr Cammy Day represents Forth Ward for Edinburgh Labour and is the leader of the council PHOTO ©2022 The Edinburgh Reporter
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