Cole-Hamilton showcases new talent in Scottish Liberal Democrats. 

With six weeks to the forthcoming local election, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has today spoken of the importance of electing Liberal Democrat councillors and pledged that his candidates will offer new hope to the people of Scotland. 

Candidates recruited to stand for the party include: 

  • Author and Lyme Disease activist Morven-May McCallum in the Black Isle Ward.
  • Businesswoman and bookshop owner Sally Pattle in Linlithgow.
  • Prominent local health campaigner and Thurso community council chair Ron Gunn in Thurso and Northwest Caithness. 
  • 22-year-old Hannah Steel who is bidding to become the youngest councillor on Scottish Borders Council in Galashiels and District.
  • Founder of the Highland cinema, Highland bookshop and Highland Soap Company Angus MacDonald in Fort William and Ardnamurchan. 
  • Defence commentator and former Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Tank Regiment Stuart Crawford in Haddington and Lammermuir.
Alex Cole Hamilton MSP. Photo: © 2021 Martin P. McAdam

Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “For this election Scottish Liberal Democrats have recruited a formidable slate of candidates whose talents and experience range from defence to agriculture, business to health.  

“I have spent much of the last six months encouraging talented, forward-looking people to come forwards, join our party and stand up for their local communities. 

“After everything we’ve been through, Scotland needs new hope right now. At the coming council elections, you’ll only find that hope with the Scottish Liberal Democrats. 

“It’s time to move on from the division that has held Scotland back for so long. Let’s lay aside talk of an independence referendum and get to grips with what matters right now. That starts with getting Scotland back on its feet after two years of pandemic and by recognising that our people are facing the biggest hit to household budgets in a generation. 

“In this campaign we will make the case for cutting class sizes, putting new staff in your local surgery and insulating every home in Scotland to protect people from the cost-of-living crisis and the climate emergency. 

“We are packed with new talent, new energy and new ideas. I can’t wait for the campaign to begin.”