Swiss Artivist, Dan Acher’s aerial climate installation ‘We Are Watching’ made its first visit to Scotland ahead of COP26 next month and was unfurled at Dynamic Earth earlier today (Tue. 12th Oct.) Watched by pupils of Juniper Green Primary School, the installation will remain in place for two days before moving on.

The size of a 10-story building, the global flag features a monumental eye made up of thousands of portraits, contributed from 190 countries.

‘ Swiss Artivist, Dan Acher oversees the unfurling of ‘We Are Watching’ © 2021 J.L. Preece

‘We Are Watching’ has flown in Madrid, Geneva and London and is raised at key climate events, spreading a crystal-clear message for those deciding the future of our planet: the eyes of the world are upon you.

A full suite of resources aimed at climate and sustainability e.g. the science, the potential solutions, how to get involved etc. are available at Climate and Sustainability | Dynamic Earth Online

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