Edinburgh SNP  is launching its council election campaign today in a bid to have 27 councillors returned to the City Chambers and thus be in the driving seat. This would make them the biggest group on The City of Edinburgh Council for the first time.

The SNP in the Capital are fielding their largest ever number of candidates in a Single Transferable Vote (STV) council election with the most diverse group of candidates yet.

Women make up 10 out of their 27 candidates and this new group includes EU nationals and BME, LGBTI and disabled candidates, who all say they are proud to be standing for the SNP.

SNP Council Group leader Frank Ross said: “In standing 27 candidates in Edinburgh for the upcoming Council elections, the SNP are showing more ambition than any other political grouping.

“We have assembled a group of exceptionally talented individuals which blends the experience of sitting councillors and the fresh talents of our new candidates.

“In 2012 the SNP were the only party to have representation in each of the 17 wards across the city and we want to build on that success to win the Council election in Edinburgh on May 4th.”

Kate Campbell SNP candidate for Portobello/Criagmillar

Among the fresh faces is Kate Campbell – running for Portobello/Craigmillar. Campbell, who has a notable drive for improving housing across the city. Kate said:

“As a first time candidate I feel incredibly excited about what we can achieve. Housing is one of the areas where I want to make a big difference.

“This city desperately needs a dramatic increase of affordable homes.

“Sadly, we have too many people in temporary housing and too many in insecure tenancies that they are struggling to afford. An SNP-led administration will address this and I hope that I will be able to play my part in driving this forward.”

Ernesta Noreikienek SNP candidate for Pentlands

Another candidate is Ernesta Noreikienek – candidate for Pentlands. Noreikienek, who was born in Lithuania. Ernesta said: “As an EU national in Edinburgh I know that many people are concerned with the direction the Tories are taking our City and our country. Edinburgh Council has a strong role to play in standing up for all its citizens, regardless of where they come from. I would love to have the opportunity to be part of that effort.”

SNP candidate for Liberton and Gilmerton, Derek Howie, is registered blind and has spoken out about how he believes his experiences will add to the team:

“I have a lifetime of experience that I’m hoping to make use of if elected to the Council. During the campaign I’ve been speaking to hundreds of voters in Liberton and Gilmerton and I’d relish the chance to represent my community. It’s important that the voice of people with disabilities is heard loudly and I’ll be a strong voice ensuring that our city is accesible for everyone.”

Simon Hayter is an SNP candidate for Sighthill/Gorgie

Small business owner, Simon Hayter, will be an SNP candidate for Sighthill/Gorgie. Hayter said : “I’ve been proud of the SNP’s achievements on the council in the last 2 administrations. I’m hoping to be elected to represent the people of Sighthill/Gorgie and bring my experience to help find additional ways the Council can support small businesses which provide the backbone of our city’s economy.”


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