• Health projects funding available in SW Edinburgh
  • Want to learn about fundraising?
  • Five things is changing…..for a while!  
  • Glow Gold September
  • Allotments in the city

If you are running a project in the south west of Edinburgh then there may be funding available from The City of Edinburgh Council.

The council has a pot of £40,000 which they have set aside for applications focussing on health, health promotion and making healthy life choices. The projects should also target a wide age range or equalities groups. The Fund is called Health Matters and there is more information here.

Charity workers, community organisers and students activists are amongst those being invited to apply for a free hands-on training course in fundraising. The course, offered by Edinburgh’s Shrub Swap and Reuse Hub, runs for three months from October and asks only that applicants commit 4 hours per week to learn new fundraising skills.
Francesca Roberts, Board member at the Shrub urged budding fundraisers to sign up and get hands-on experience of raising money for their own cause whilst also helping the reuse hub. She said:  “Fundraising can be a daunting prospect but you don’t have to learn on your own. By signing up for our free fundraising training course, you’ll be part of a team of fundraisers, learning together and supporting each other. By committing just four hours a week, you’ll learn valuable skills that you can apply in your own organisation or for your own cause.”
The deadline for applications is Friday 7th October at 5pm.

Our daily Five things you need to know today article is not going to be published every single day in October…. why? we hear you ask?

Well, we are publishing a newspaper for distribution on 30 November 2016. And on the basis that you cannot do everything we are pausing our daily Five things articles, or at least publishing them intermittently until the newspaper is put to bed.

So this is your big chance – if you would like to have some of our newspapers for distribution in your business, workplace or at home then just get in touch:

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Ben Macpherson MSP says he was proud to welcome the Glow Gold September campaign in the Scottish Parliament to support them in their mission to get the world “Glowing Gold” to change the face of childhood cancer.

ben-macpherson_glowgoldThe Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP met with a group of parents and grandparents, on Thursday 22 September, from the Glow Gold September campaign to find out how everyone in Edinburgh can “glow gold” and do their bit to raise the profile of childhood cancer and help raise awareness of the early warning signs and symptoms.

Read more here. 

The Council is in the process of revising its current Allotment Strategy “Cultivating Communities – A Growing Challenge” and would like to gather public feedback on the draft to date.  

If you would like you to participate in the public survey then click on this link

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.