Police Scotland

Police in Edinburgh are targeting metal theft across the city as part of ongoing Operation Wolf activities.

In support of British Transport Police during their national Metal Week of Action, officers carried out checks at scrap metal dealers to detect, disrupt and deter criminals who dispose of stolen metal at such sites. Road checks were also put in place on arterial routes throughout the city to seek out those using the roads network for the transportation of stolen metal.

Yesterday a targeted day of action was undertaken in the Leith area of the city.

47 police officers worked with City of Edinburgh Council Licensing Standards and Community Safety Officers to target issues of concern to residents.

Arrests were made for shoplifting, assault and vandalism and six people were issued with fixed penalty tickets for anti-social behaviour. A dedicated road check resulted in the detection of numerous road traffic offences resulting in seven individuals being reported to the Procurator Fiscal. Additionally, a Misuse of Drugs Act warrant was carried out resulting in the recovery of personal quantities of cannabis and Valium.

Superintendent Matt Richards said: “Metal thefts are a particular concern for residents in Edinburgh as this crime leads to costly repairs and can cause significant damage to buildings in the process of illicitly removing metal.

We’ve been working with British Transport Police in their national campaign to target the perpetrators and to recover stolen metal.

Our day of action in Leith yesterday also resulted in major success, not only gathering intelligence but cracking down on drug misuse, dangerous driving and other anti-social behaviour.

Residents in Edinburgh can help shape the activities we undertake during Operation Wolf by contacting us on 101 or speaking with your local policing team.”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.