The inaugural World Forum on Natural Capital, will begin today.

Attended by almost 500 people from 35 countries, the UN-backed World Forum on Natural Capital will help business and sustainability leaders to identify the economic value of natural capital – the world’s natural resources such as water, forests and biodiversity, on which our economic and social wellbeing depend. The conference will bring together business leaders, environmental experts and government representatives to help businesses identify opportunities and risks, and agree action.

The UN is targeting 2020 for the incorporation of biodiversity values into national accounting and reporting processes.

The opening of the event will include messages of support from Nick Clegg and Prince Charles.

The line-up of speakers includes:

  • Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland
  • Sir Philip Hampton, Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Katherine Garrett-Cox, CEO of Alliance Trust
  • Peter Bakker, President of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • David Jones, Global CEO of Havas and Co-Founder One Young World
  • Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
  • Pushpam Kumar, Chief Ecosystem Services Economic  Unit, UNEP
  • Monika Weber-Fahr, Director of Knowledge, Learning and Results, World Bank
  • Jason Clay, Senior Vice President, Market Transformation, WWF
  • Mike Wilkins, Managing Director, Infrastructure Finance Ratings, Standard and Poor’s
  • Richard Spencer, Head of Sustainability at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


Twitter: @natcapforum #natcap13

More information on the website.