TER Edinburgh Napier SighthillA capital debate inspired by a local mental health campaigner will take place at Edinburgh Napier University tomorrow 10 October 2013 as part of World Mental Health Day.

Mental health nursing students will take on their peers from the University of West of Scotland in the inaugural Allison Alexander Memorial Debate.

Allison, who died in 2013 after a short illness, was a prominent campaigner on improving mental health in Scotland, and was a lecturer and Teaching Fellow at Edinburgh Napier.

Event co-organiser, Margaret Conlon, said: “Alison always enjoyed a good argument and so it seemed only natural to call the debate after her. She was passionate about addressing the stigma around mental health in Scotland and inspired many of today’s mental health nurses.”

The event, which will also feature a keynote address from Dr Phil Barker, is supported by ‘see me’ – Scotland’s national campaign to tackle the stigma and discrimination of mental ill-health.

The event will take place at 1.30pm at the Sightill Campus.