Title-winning boss Stewart Dickson, who spent a number of years at the helm for Glasgow Tigers, will be Berwick Bandits team manager for the 2024 season and he declared: “I’ll be giving my all.”

Dickson (pictured) took over as team boss and co-promoter at Leicester in 2019, masterminding their Premier League play-off victory over Tigers that season.

He remained there when the Midlands club moved into the Premiership two years ago and last season combined the Premiership job with that of team manager at Championship side Birmingham Brummies.

Now, he has been tasked by Berwick co-owners Scott and Jamie Courtney with masterminding the revival of the Borders club after a bitterly disappointing 2023 which saw them finish second bottom in the Championship. He will continue team manager at Leicester.

Steven Dews and Gary Flint will continue as promoters at Shielfield Park with Kevin Little, who along with Scott Courtney shared team management duties for much of last season, will return to his coaching role at the club along with kick-starting the club’s youth progression system alongside Academy boss Colin Easton.

Dickson used to be a regular spectator at Berwick alongside his late father who asked for his ashes to be scattered at his favourite spot on the seafront at Spittal, less than a mile from the Berwick track.

Dickson said: “When we came down to the caravan parks every year (at Spittal) he would also take us to the speedway at Berwick on the Saturday night.

“I’ve known both the Courtney lads a considerable time along with their dad, Mark and uncle, Sean, and have always had a great relationship with them.

“I always knew that I would be involved in Berwick at some point in my career and I can assure the Bandits fans that this appointment is no second choice/best to Leicester. I’ll be giving my all for both clubs.”

Dickson said: “I know the reason they are bringing me in. We have to get away from the foot of the table next season.

“What Scott and Jamie do for the club is unrivalled, but they need someone to manage the team allowing them to concentrate on promoting the club and keeping the ship sailing on race nights and behind the scenes.”

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