Lord Hardie issued warning letters relating to his report into the Trams Project in Edinburgh earlier this week. 

He has informed recipients of the letters that if they wish to respond, the response must be received by the Inquiry no later than 5 pm on Friday 2 December 2022. This is to allow any witnesses the right of reply against potential criticism in the report which will be finalised when all responses have been received and considered.

The tram inquiry instructed by then First Minister, the Rt Hon Alex Salmond, began eight years ago and so far has cost more than £13 million.

“Council Leader, Cammy Day, said: “I understand that the Hardie Inquiry has sent out letters to anyone named in the report, which includes former councillors and former Chief Executives. That makes it look like the report may be issued this side of Christmas.”Council Leader, Cammy Day, said: “I understand that the Hardie Inquiry has sent out letters to anyone named in the report, which includes former councillors and former Chief Executives. That makes it look like the report may be issued this side of Christmas.

“This report is long overdue at a substantial cost to the publicans I welcome receiving early notification of the report.”

It is nearly five years since the inquiry finished taking evidence from witnesses. All evidence is available on the Inquiry website here.

The continuation or completion of the tramline, depending on your view, is due to open to the public in spring 2023.

The tram service in the capital was opened to the public in May 2014.

Trams under construction in 2011