For anyone needing help getting started with the library’s downloadable ebook, audiobook, magazine and newspaper services, there are bookable Digital Help Surgeries available to book on Tuesdays in November.

And while you attend any of these surgeries then you will be able to find out how to access PressReader with your library card and download The Edinburgh Reporter print editions and other newspapers and magazines for free.

Library staff can help people get started or troubleshoot problems with their ebook, audiobook, magazine and newspaper services.

During November they are running one-to-one digital help sessions on Tuesday afternoons in the Central Library.

Attendees must book in advance by emailing with their name and phone number. Library staff will phone back to arrange a session time. 

Covid-19 arrangements for this session

A few things will be different about the session in order to keep library staff and other customers safe: 

·         Booking is essential

·         Please attend the session on your own if possible (if someone needs to come with you, they must be from the same household)

·         You will be required to wear a mask throughout the session, unless exempt

·         On arrival you will be requested to complete the Test & Protect process via the QR Code scan or on paper. The information you provide will be stored in accordance with GDPR requirements and to be disposed of after 21 days

·         Hand sanitiser is available throughout Central Library including the location of the session

·         You will be asked to remain 1m socially distant throughout the session

·         While at the session please follow good hygiene practices (avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of it safely)

·         Please do not attend the session if you display symptoms of coronavirus

·         Libraries are following guidance in line with the Scottish Government Covid-19 guidance – 

By booking a help session, you agree that you have read and agree with the above guidance. 

The library team can also offer remote support over the phone or by email. Email or message libraries on Facebook or Twitter.

Edinburgh Central Library. Photo: Martin P. McAdam