Wester Hailes Library is being used temporarily as a Covid-19 testing centre until Sunday, and local residents are encouraged to visit and have a test – even if they are asymptomatic. The centre is only open until Sunday 9 May when it will move to Gilmerton Library. Opening hours are 9.00am to 6.00pm and an appointment is not required.

On Wednesday morning the Council Leader, Cllr Adam McVey, and Depute Council Leader, Cllr Cammy Day, both visited the library and took tests. They also met the council staff from the council’s Cultural Services team who are running the test centre.

Local resident Sas Martinez also attended to take the test, checking if he is virus free.

All photos Greg Macvean – Residents living close to Wester Hailes Library are being urged to come forward and get a free, rapid COVID test at the temporary testing centre if they don’t have any symptoms of the virus. Sas Martinez took the test under the watchful eye of the Test Operative pictured behind the screen, Fiona Park

Cllr McVey said:  “These community testing centres are vital in keeping the pandemic under control and getting back to something like normality again. If we can identify positive cases, even though there may be no symptoms, we can better keep the spread under control and keep people safe. It was great to meet Sas and all the staff doing such a great job to run the centre safely and efficiently.”

Cllr Day said: “If we don’t know where all the cases of COVID are, we’re in a much more difficult position when it comes to stopping the virus in its tracks if outbreaks do occur, so it’s really important as many people as possible come forward for a free and very quick test when there’s a community testing centre in their area. Hats off to all the centre staff here in Wester Hailes Library, they’re working incredibly hard on such a valuable project.”

Community testing information, including guidance on support available for anyone who has to self-isolate, is available on our website. 

Asymptomatic testing centres are run in partnership with the Scottish Government. The next ATC in Edinburgh will open at Gilmerton Library from 10 to 16 May.

Residents who do not have any of the three Covid-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, temperature, loss or change in sense of taste or smell) are encouraged to get tested.

There is no need to book and testing is available from Wester Hailes Library until Sunday 16 May 2021, open 9am to 6pm daily. 

The centre is only for people without symptoms. Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms should self-isolate and book a test
in the usual way via nhsinform.scot or by calling 0800 028 2816.

Residents will be tested using lateral flow devices (LFDs), which can give people their results in around 45 minutes. Any positive cases will then be confirmed by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test.

Anyone who receives a positive LFD or PCR test result will be asked to self isolate. Dedicated support is available to anyone who needs to self isolate, including food packages and financial support.Â