The latest figures for today detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours have just been announced today, 10 November 2020, by The Scottish Government.

The First Minister is to address Holyrood this afternoon on the level of restrictions which apply in each local authority area.

The levels at which each local authority sits within the Strategic Framework was discussed by councillors at the Policy and Sustainability Committee meeting this morning. The Chief Executive and the Council Leader both explained that they had had a meeting with Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, just last night. It was clear that owing to other factors Edinburgh will probably remain in Level three for another week when the new restrictions are announced by the First Minister this afternoon.

Conservative councillors asked if Edinburgh is on the ‘watchlist’ as it appeared to them to that the city is on the cusp of a lower level. They accused the council administration of not standing up for Edinburgh when discussing these matters with The Scottish Government.

Cllr Nick Cook said that what was needed was not a political or partisan approach but independence of thought and objectivity. He said that Edinburgh has a lower prevalence than other local authorities in the west that are in the same level. Conservative Group leader Cllr Iain Whyte said that the administration should look to Ian Murray MP who is calling for the city to be moved to a lower level of restrictions, saying “He realises the damage to businesses in Edinburgh”. Cllr Joanna Mowat said that the government has set the levels and Edinburgh does not approach any of these on any of the criteria.

The Council Leader, Adam McVey, said that he wants Edinburgh to move to a lower level of restrictions as there is a huge impact on business and that he would like to see the features of each tier or level reviewed as well as possible moves from one level to the other. But the Chief Executive of the council, Andrew Kerr said that it is about more than just the maths, and Edinburgh is affected by the surrounding local authorities. He suggested that Edinburgh will remain in Level Three subject to Cabinet approval this morning. He also said that the government is concerned about inconsistency, that the figures have plateaued but are not diminishing and they would like the numbers to remain more stable before moving Edinburgh either up or down in the framework.

The Scottish Government will pronounce each week the levels that each local authority area will be in for at least the week following.

Detailed data on each local authority area will be published on the Scottish Government website this afternoon.

The figures in Scotland as at 10 November 2020 are as follows:

The number of new cases of Covid-19 reported in Scotland today – 832 new cases reported.

Of these 114 were in Lothian.

The total number of tests – 10,499 with 9.5% of these with positive results.

  • 10,499 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results, of which 
    • 993 (9.5%) were positive
    • 5,907 were from NHS Scotland labs
    • 4,592 were from the UK Government testing programme

Number of people in hospital with recently confirmed Covid-19 – 1239
Number of people in Intensive Care Units in Scotland – 102 which is 3 fewer than yesterday

The number of deaths reported today of people who have tested positive within the last 28 days is 39.

Since the start of the outbreak:

  • 3,079 people have died who have tested positive
  • 4,649 deaths have been registered in Scotland where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate up to 1 November
  • 46% of COVID-19 registered deaths related to deaths in care homes, 47% were in hospitals and 7% were at home or non-institutional settings (as at 14 October)

National Records of Scotland announced their weekly figures on Wednesday of last week which state that the total number of Covid-19 related deaths to 1 November 2020 is 4,649. They will report again this Wednesday.

You can also see the latest numbers laid out visually on the Travelling Tabby website here. It is updated at 3pm daily.

[su_spoiler class=”my-custom-spoiler” title=”Socialising in Level Three areas”] Meeting others indoors
You should not meet anyone who is not in your household indoors in your home or in their home. This applies to all age groups 12 and over. You can meet another household indoors in a public place such as a café or restaurant. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public (not a home) place are 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards the total number of people counted in a gathering.

Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can nevertheless meet as a single household even if the total number of people exceeds 6.

When you meet people from another household indoors you should:

minimise the number of meetings you have with people from other households each day
stay at least 2 metres apart from anyone who is not part of your household, unless in a public venue that is operating 1 metre distancing with additional measures being in place to avoid transmission.
maintain hand and cough hygiene
avoid touching hard surfaces with your hands
wash your hands when you arrive, when you leave, when you get home and especially before eating or after touching surfaces
not share food or utensils – if eating, each household should bring, prepare and eat its own food separately
if possible, keep rooms well ventilated – consider opening windows or a door
Those at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus (including those who had been shielding, people 70 and over, people who are pregnant and people with an underlying medical condition) should strictly follow the physical distancing guidance.

Meeting others outdoors
You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park or an outdoor area of a pub. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards the total number of people counted in a gathering. Children under 12 do not need to maintain physical distance from others. This is to allow children under 12 to play with their friends outside.

Young people aged between 12 and 17 can meet up in groups of up to 6 at a time outdoors and are not subject to the 2 household limit. Physical distancing is required.

Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can continue to meet outside as a household even if the total number of people exceeds 6.

You should:

minimise the number of meetings you have with people from other households each day
stay at least 2 metres away from anyone who is not part of your household
maintain hand and cough hygiene
avoid touching hard surfaces with your hands
wash your hands when you arrive, when you leave, when you get home and especially before eating or after touching surfaces
not share food or utensils – if eating, each household should bring, prepare and eat its own food separately
if possible, keep rooms well ventilated – consider opening windows or a door
Those at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus (including those who had been shielding, people 70 and over, people who are pregnant and people with an underlying medical condition) should strictly follow the physical distancing guidance.

Going into someone else’s home
If you are meeting people from another household in their garden and the gathering exceeds 6 people, you should only go into their house to:

access the garden – do so quickly and without touching anything
use the toilet – avoid touching surfaces with your hands as much as possible, wipe any surfaces that you do touch with antibacterial wipes, wash your hands thoroughly, dry your hands with a freshly laundered towel or a paper towel, which you should dispose of in a closed bin.
If members of another household are going to visit you and might need to use your toilet, you should ensure appropriate cleaning materials are available. You should also provide either a hand towel for each visiting household or paper towels and a safe disposal option.

Extended households
People who live in different places can form an “extended household” in the following circumstances:

People who live alone​​​​
If you are an adult and you live alone, or if all others in your household are under 18, you, any children who live with you, and the members of one other household (of any size) can agree to form an ‘extended household’. This will allow people who live alone (or those living only with children under the age of 18) to be considered part of another household in order to reduce loneliness, isolation and to provide mutual social support.
Couples who do not live together
Two adults are in a relationship and they do not live together they, and any children they each live with, can agree to form an ‘extended household’.
However, if one member of a household gets coronavirus, there is a strong likelihood that other members of that household will also catch it. For this reason, there are some important rules that extended households should follow to remain as safe as possible:

a household must not form an extended household with more than one other household
households can end the arrangement at any time, but should not then form an extended household with a new household for at least a 14-day period.
All the adults living in both households should agree to form the extended household. We also encourage parents or guardians to involve their children in discussions. Forming an extended household is an important decision that should be properly discussed and agreed beforehand. Physical distancing between members of an extended household is not required

Once two households have agreed to form an extended household they may meet outdoors or indoors, visit and stay at each other’s homes, and do everything that people in other households can do, such as watch TV, share a meal and look after each other’s children.

Members of an extended household are considered to be one household for the legal requirements on meeting other households and going outside, and for the guidance in this document about seeing friends and family and about exercise and leisure activity.

You can continue to interact with members of your extended household even if they live in a different area with a different Level of protective measures.

If someone in the extended household develops COVID-19 symptoms, to avoid spreading the virus all members of the extended household must isolate immediately if they met the symptomatic person at any time between 2 days before and up to 10 days after their symptoms started.

If the symptomatic person tests positive, all members of their direct household must isolate for 14 days from the start of symptoms. Similarly, other members of the extended household must isolate for 14 days from when the most recent contact took place. Isolate means staying in your own home for the full 14 days.

Those at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus (including people over 70, people who are pregnant and people with an underlying medical condition) may take part in an extended household arrangement, but should strictly follow the handwashing, surface cleaning and respiratory hygiene guidance on the NHS Inform website.

Shared parenting
Where parents do not live in the same household, children can move between their parents’ homes in all levels, this includes both supervised and unsupervised visitation.

[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler class=”my-custom-spoiler” title=”Hospitality in Level Three Areas”] Restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars can open indoor and outdoors for the consumption of food and non alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks cannot be served. Last entry is 17:00 and all venues must be closed and all customers off the premises by 18:00.

The maximum number of people you can meet indoors and outdoors in a restaurant, café, pub or bar is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.

Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards the total number of people meeting outdoors only.

Where an individual household includes more than 6 people they can continue to meet as a household in hospitality premises, although the venue may impose a smaller group limit.

Table service and the wearing of face-coverings (unless exempt) when not seated by all customers is mandatory in all hospitality venues. When meeting people from more than one other household, you should think beforehand about what size of table you will need to keep physically distanced between members of your group. The venue you are visiting should be able to advise you of booking options.

You will be asked by to provide your contact details for Test and Protect purposes This information is retained for 21 days with a view to sharing with Test and Protect Teams, if required.

Hospitality venues are required to put in place additional measures to minimise transmission of COVID-19. For example hand sanitiser stations and adequate ventilation. There will also be signs to inform customers whether the venue is in a 2 metres or 1 metre social distancing area.

You should stay at least 2 metres apart from people from other households at all times, unless the venue is operating 1 metre distancing due to additional measures being in place to avoid transmission. Physical distancing and good hand hygiene remain the most effective measures in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. Therefore, distancing requirements need to be maintained, where reasonably practicable, at all times, including when waiting to enter premises and when seated.

You should avoid visiting multiple hospitality premises on the same day. In particular, do not visit more than one pub or bar on the same day, as this increases the risk of transmission.

Takeaways can still operate as normal, provided food and drink is sold for consumption off the premises. Face coverings and physical distancing rules must be followed.

Hotels and other accommodation providers can still serve food to guests staying in their premises up to 22:00. Room service, including alcohol, is allowed as normal.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.