The co-leader of the Scottish Greens and Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater has issued a New Year message reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to a new national park.
Ms Slater told us when we met her earlier in the year that the park could be an urban park.

Ms Slater said: “The New Year is a time for reflection on the year that has been and to consider what we want from the year ahead. That isn’t just about what we want for ourselves, but also for the country and the world around us.
“2023 has been a big year for our planet. It has set all sorts of records, and not in a good way. Soaring temperatures and evermore extreme weather events have underlined the fragility of our ecosystem and the urgency of climate action.
“The decisions we make today will be remembered and felt for decades to come. If we are to leave a positive and sustainable environment for future generations then we need to ensure that we get them right.
“2024 must be the year that we all do our bit to step up to the challenges we face and take the environmental steps that are needed.
“COP28 may not have lived up to the moment, but the long overdue acceptance that we need to transition away from fossil fuels gives a glimmer of hope and a foundation to build on. 2024 must be the year that we turn warm words into actions and take this further.
“The year ahead must be one of restoration and hope. It must be a year in which we challenge ourselves and strive to do better. It will be a key year for Scotland and for the world around us.
“We have just seen the translocation of beavers to the Cairngorms National Park, helping to turn a story of loss and degradation into one of restoration. We look forward to seeing how they settle-in over 2024 and hope there are many more beavers to come.
“We will also be establishing a new national park, leaving a living legacy of natural abundance that will create lifelong memories for people and families across Scotland and beyond.
“Nature is key to human life. By investing in nature we are investing in ourselves. Clean water and air are fundamental to human life. When we take care of our environment it will take care of us.
“By healing our habitats and investing in positive species restoration, we can ensure a nature-positive future in Scotland and beyond.
“In 2024, let us come together to support action for people and planet, so that we can build a world that future generations will cherish and a society that reflects the values we hold dear.”
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.