From Monday York Place will be closed westbound for around eight weeks.

This is mainly for St James works to improve the area for cycling, walking and general public realm but the council say they have managed to coordinate a number of other projects to minimise disruption.

During this time, within the Edinburgh St James area, the council will also be able to carry out work for the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL) and Edinburgh Trams will also do some maintenance.

Transport and Environment Convener Lesley Macinnes said: “We’ve worked closely with partners to co-ordinate a series of works in the area so that disruption is kept to a minimum. Ultimately, each of these projects will deliver significant improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair-users in line with our broader ambitions for a sustainable, accessible and better-connected Capital, as well as essential maintenance to the tram network.

“We will continue liaising with partners to ensure work is carried out as quickly as possible and thank residents for their patience during this time. Once completed, the broader development of this area will result in a better quality public space, new, improved pedestrian and cycling links and better public transport access, encouraging active, environmentally-friendly transport options at this key interchange.”

York Place westbound closure (8 weeks) – 17/8/20 – 6am 12/10/20

A diversion will be put in place via Broughton Street to ensure only York Place will be directly affected.

The westbound closure will be extended in the evening to North St Andrews Street for the initial five weeks of the closure.

These essential works will help us to improve the area for pedestrians, cyclists and visitors. 

Laing O’Rourke on behalf of Together for Edinburgh (Edinburgh St James) – New footway, cycleway and drainage works

Bilfinger on behalf of Edinburgh Trams – Re-bedding chamber cover on road (Phases 1 and 2)

  • Location:   (1) York Place – Elder Street junction / (2) York Place (adjacent to York Place tram stop)  
  • Duration:   (1) 17 – 19 August & (2) 13 – 15 September  

Siemens on behalf of Edinburgh Trams – rail sealant replacement works

Balfour Beatty on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council – site investigation works for CCWEL active travel link

Closure of Leith Street between Greenside Row and Princes Street (Waterloo Place) – midnight 13/8/20 – 6am 17/8/20

The initial partial closure will enable the dismantling and removal of one of the large site tower cranes at Edinburgh St James. Its removal will be facilitated by a 450 T mobile crane that will be positioned on the carriageway close to the Calton Road junction.

A single lane southbound will be maintained during the closure period until 06.00am on Saturday 15 August, when the road will be fully closed in both directions for The City of Edinburgh Council’s carriageway repairs at the Waterloo Place junction.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.