Yesterday in Westminster local MP Joanna Cherry QC MP asked the Prime Minister to step in and help a pupil at Canal View Primary School. The school has won the ultimate class trip to Majorca but Mohammed, who came to Edinburgh from Syria, was told it would take months to process his papers.

Following action by Ms Cherry The Home Office have said today they will do everything they can to ensure that 12 year-old Mohammed can travel with his classmates to Spain.

The Home Secretary has intervened and a senior caseworker at the Home Office is now dealing directly with Ms Cherry’s office to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Ms Cherry said “I was delighted that following my request to the Prime Minister yesterday I was able to tell the school that Mohammed will get his documents on time. I hear that Mohammed and the rest of the class were passed the news first thing this morning to lots of cheers of delight and a few tears of joy. A senior caseworker at the Home Office has now received Mohammed’s application and everything is in hand to get him his travel documents. I hope Mohammed and the rest of the class have a great trip”

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