If you would like to be considered for a small medium or large grant out of the £EITH CHOOSES fund then apply immediately.

There are two days of advice sessions left before the deadline of 7.00pm on 31 January 2018.

Tuesday 30 January 2018 : McDonald Road Library, 12-2 pm and 5-7 pm
Wednesday : Leith Community Centre, 12-2 pm (Persevere Room) and 5-7 pm (Cafe)

Applications close on 31 January and public voting will take place on 3 March 2018 to decide on the projects which are going to be funded in this way.

This is no small matter, as £EITH CHOOSES has £116,000 to hand out to local community projects across the area. Scottish Government awarded £72,000 from the Community Choices fund and the rest comes from the city council.

Councillor Marion Donaldson told us : “Participatory Budgeting is a democratic form of allocating money where the public can get involved in the voting process.

“The steering group will look at the applications very carefully and then the applicants will be informed. Then the voting day takes place on 3 March at Leith Community Education Centre when we all come together and see all the projects. They all display what they have done and their proposals, and then the public vote.

“This is unique as three community councils have joined up with the council and there is one pot of money to be distributed locally.It is a really innovative approach to local partnership working.”

The Participatory Budgeting model began in South America and has been used here in Leith before to great effect, but now the team running the funding opportunity are keen to ensure nobody misses out this year.

Projects that can be funded:

  • Your project will benefit the community / people of Leith.
  • Groups can only make one application in total.
  • Your project will be a new project or a significant new element  – not just ‘continuation’ of long-standing activities.
  • Your project will be completed within one year (by 31 March 2019)
  • Your project will fit within one or more of the agreed Themes – these are open to wide and creative interpretation, however!
  • You will attend the Voting Event on 3rd March 2018.
  • If needed, you must show evidence that you have appropriate permission, insurance, Disclosure Scotland checks etc.
  • If your project costs more than the amount you are applying for, you need to show you have the rest of the money and can complete the project.

Please check out the web site for more details, and to download Guidance Notes and application forms: www.leithchooses.net

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.