Police Scotland has today (Tuesday 19 September) introduced its dual language logo featuring both English and Gaelic.

The branding will be introduced on the service’s website and intranet. It will also be carried on signage, stationery and vehicles, and will be introduced on these items as they are replaced on reaching the end of their serviceable life.

The changes are being made as part of the force’s commitment to implementing its Gaelic Language Plan, which sets out the service’s pledge to creating a sustainable future for the language in Scotland by integrating it within Police Scotland’s services and corporate identity.

Assistant Chief Constable Andrew Cowie (Local Policing – North) said, “This is the latest step being taken by Police Scotland as we move towards full implementation of our Gaelic Language Plan.

“We are keen that Gaelic speaking communities across the country are well served and ably represented by the national service.”

“Upholding tradition and supporting native languages is important, as is making the service as accessible as possible for members of the population who use Gaelic. More work will take place in the coming months and years to deliver the improvements contained within our Gaelic Language Plan.”

“We have a keen group of Gaelic speaking officers/staff who are ably assisting in progressing these improvements.”

Speaking on behalf of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Daibhidh Boag, Director of Language Planning and Community Developments said, “The inclusion of Gaelic as a normal part of Police Scotland’s identity is a really significant milestone for the language. By including Gaelic as part of the logo renewal process, Police Scotland have contributed significantly to the Scotland-wide effort to raise the profile of Gaelic and have done so in as cost-effective a manner as possible.

“We very much welcome Police Scotland’s commitment to Gaelic generally and to increasing the visibility of the language across the communities that they serve.”

Police Scotland’s Gaelic Language Plan is a five-year project, scheduled until 2021. Work will be ongoing throughout that time.

Poileas Alba a’ cur suaicheantas ùr Beurla-Gàidhlig air bhog

An-diugh (Dimàirt 19mh An t-Sultain) tha Poileas Alba a’ cur air bhog suaicheantas ùr dà-chànanach ann am Beurla agus Gàidhlig.

Thèid an suaicheantas, air a bheil an dà chuid Police Scotland agus Poileas Alba, a thoirt a-steach air làrach-lìn agus eadra-lìon an t-seirbheis. Nochdaidh e cuideachd air soidhnichean, pàipearachd agus carbadan agus bidh e ga thoirt a-steach air na nithean seo nuair a ruigeas iad deireadh am beatha feumail.

Tha na h-atharraichean gan dèanamh mar phàirt de dhleastanas an fhorsa gus a Phlana Gàidhlig a chur an gnìomh – plana a tha a’ mìneachadh gealladh an t-seirbheis gus àite seasmhach a chruthachadh airson na Gàidhlig ann an Alba le bhith a’ toirt a-steach a’ Ghàidhlig do sheirbheisean agus dearbh-aithne chorporra Phoileas Alba.

Thuirt Leas-àrd-chonstabal Anndra Cowie (Poileasachd Ionadail – Tuath): “’S e seo an ceum as ùire a tha ga dhèanamh le Poileas Alba mar a thèid sinn air adhart gu ruige buileachadh slàn a’ Phlana Ghàidhlig.

“Tha sinn dealasach gu bheil coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig air feadh na dùthcha gam frithealadh agus gan riochdachadh gu comasach leis an t-seirbheis nàiseanta.

“Tha dualchas làidir ann an Alba agus tha e cudromach a bhith a’ cur taic do chànanan dùthchasach, agus dèanamh an t-seirbheis cho ruigsinneach ‘s as urrainnear dèanamh airson buill a’ phobaill aig a bheil Gàidhlig. Tha barrachd obrach ri dèanamh anns na mìosan is bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn gus na leasachaidhean a th’ anns a’ Phlana Ghàidhlig againn a thoirt gu buil.

“Tha buidheann-obrach againn anns a bheil oifigearan agus luchd-obrach èasgaidh aig a bheil Gàidhlig a tha a’ toirt air adhart na leasachaidhean seo.”

Thuirt an Stiùiriche Planadh Cànain is Leasachaidhean Coimhearsnachd aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Daibhidh Boag, “’S e clach-mhìle mhòr a tha seo dhan chànan gu bheil Gàidhlig gu bhith na pàirt gu cunbhalach de dh’ìomhaigh Poileas Alba. Le bhith a’ dèanamh Gàidhlig na pàirt den t-suaicheantas ùr aca, tha Poileas Alba a’ cur gu mòr ris an iomairt air feadh na dùthcha gus ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig a thogail agus tha iad air sin a dhèanamh gun chosgais ro mhòr idir. Tha sinn a’ dèanamh toileachas mòr ris an taic a tha Poileas Alba a’ toirt dhan Ghàidhlig san fharsaingeachd agus ris mar a tha iad a’ dèanamh a’ chànain nas follaisiche sna coimhearsnachdan air a bheil iad a’ frithealadh.”

‘S e pròiseact còig-bliadhna a th’ anns a’ Phlana Ghàidhlig aig Poileas Alba, a bhios a’ ruith gu 2021. Bidh obair a’ dol air adhart tron ùine sin.

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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.