The Guide Dogs charity has issued an appeal this morning to any Edinburgh businesses who could help them raise money by siting one of their life-sized dog collection boxes in their premises.

If you have the room and want to help then all you have to do is get in touch with the charity.

Community Fundraiser Anne Rowse said, “Each collection box can hold up to 7,000 coins, raising an average of £400 each year for Guide Dogs.

“It costs £5 to support a working guide dog for one day so every coin that goes in really does make a huge difference.

“Guide Dogs relies on donations and it’s only through the support of local public and business communities that we can continue our life-changing work helping people with sight loss.

“These collection boxes do well near check-outs and unlike real dogs don’t require any exercise.

“We would love to hear from anyone who can give one of our collection boxes a new home. It couldn’t be simpler as we will deliver it and empty it once it’s full too.”

If you would like a Guide Dogs collection box for your business, then email or call the Edinburgh Mobility Team on 0345 143 0203.