A focus on pockets of antisocial behaviour in Haddington, particularly in Neilson Park, began over the weekend with increased patrols of East Lothian Council’s community wardens and police officers targeting large groups of youths gathering in the area.

The move is part of a Problem Solving Partnership (PSP) between the council and Police Scotland which has been set up following recent concerns raised by the community.

A number of names of young people were taken by the police and parental advisory letters will be sent out. A quantity of alcohol was also confiscated.

As well as tackling reports of antisocial behaviour directly, neighbourhood outreach workers are talking to young people about what other facilities they would like to see in and around Haddington. Over the course of the weekend, the idea of a ‘youth shelter’ was suggested. This will be discussed further at the next meeting of the PSP later this month.

East Lothian Council Antisocial Behaviour Manager Kenny Black said: “Patrols by community wardens and police officers were very visible over the weekend and we think it is definitely having a quick deterrent effect on large gatherings of young people. We’re taking a twin track approach to tackling this issue – by dealing with antisocial behaviour as it happens but also talking to these young people to ascertain what could potentially be done to prevent this behaviour happening in the first place. There will be ongoing discussions with the group and further consultation with the community over the course of the operation and beyond.”

Chief Inspector Matt Paden, Local Area Commander for East Lothian said: “My message to those involved is to behave responsibly and consider local residents. A partnership approach is being taken to addressing anti-social behaviour and at the same time providing diversionary activities.”

If you would like to report ongoing antisocial behaviour or other criminal activity in your area please contact Police Scotland on 101 or make an anonymous report to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or alternatively East Lothian Anti Social Behaviour Hotline on 0845 601 8518.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.