As news came out yesterday of Glasgow UKIP Chairman Sarah Devenney’s resignation, the Edinburgh list candidate Alan Melville Vice-Chairman of UKIP Edinburgh & Lothians, and the top Lothians list candidate for the party believes he may yet be proved right.

He says that his prediction of party disintegration appears to be coming true.


Melville said: “UKIP stalwarts past and present have demanded change from David Coburn’s ‘cronyism autocracy’ for some time, and their voices have been ignored, to the great detriment of not just the party, but the anti-EU movement in Scotland.

“To be short of candidates in a General Election might be misfortune; to be short of candidates in the subsequent Holyrood election seems like carelessness.

“I call on David Coburn to resign forthwith, and to take his incompetent little clique with him. UKIP does not need them, the Campaign to Leave certainly does not need them, and Scotland would be better off without the lot of them.”

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.