
Both clubs have reacted to yesterday’s pitch invasion after the final whistle at Hampden which marked the end of Hibs’ Scottish Cup hoodoo.

Thousands of jubilant Hibs’ supporters ran onto the pitch to celebrate however a minority taunted the Rangers’ fans, sparking a mini invasion at the other end and small pockets of fighting.

Reports that several rangers players and members of staff were attacked are being investigated.

The goalposts at the Hibs’ end were broken and pieces of the turf were ripped up.

The aftermath prevented a lap of honour by the players although the Hampden authorities allowed the playing of ‘Sunshine on Leith’ after the trophy was presented.

A statement on the Hibs’ website read: “Hibernian FC this evening confirmed that it will co-operate fully into any inquiry into the pitch invasion which followed the club’s historic Scottish Cup win at Hampden Park.

“The Club reiterates its regret at the events which unfolded immediately following the final whistle. Hibernian always seeks to maintain high standards, and we will work with the authorities to identify any supporter who may have taken part in any form of unacceptable behaviour which has tarnished the club’s reputation.

“Hibernian will work with Police Scotland, Hampden Park Stadium Management, the Scottish FA, Rangers FC and any other relevant parties to bring those responsible to book.”

Rangers reacted furiously and demanded an investigation into the circumstances.

A Rangers’ spokesman said: “Rangers Football Club is shocked at the disgraceful behaviour of Hibs fans at full time.

“Rangers players and staff were assaulted by these fans who invaded the pitch and in the interests of their safety could not return to the pitch for the medal presentation.

“There can be no place for the violent behaviour witnessed at the end of the Final and Rangers fully expect the Scottish Football Association and Police Scotland to launch an investigation to find out where security measures failed.

“The Club would like to commend Rangers fans for the restraint they showed under severe provocation”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.