2014_02_05-City-Chambers-2The council has updated its contingency arrangements for those pupils affected by the closure of 17 schools across the city with plans for pupils at Drummond Community High School and The Royal High School.

Drummond Community High School

All pupils should return to school tomorrow. S1, S2 and S3 students should report to the concourse at 9am. S4 to S6 students returned today (Wednesday 13 April).

The school kitchen is closed and packed lunches will be provided for all students who receive free school meals.  All other students should either bring a packed lunch or money to buy lunches outside of school. Vending machines will be available at break times.


The Royal High School

S3 students should return to school tomorrow (Thursday 14 April) at 9:40am and at normal start time on Friday.  S4 to S6 students returned today (Wednesday 13 April). Please report to the old front door beside the assembly hall. Do not try to enter through any other entrances.

An update for S1 and S2 students will follow later this week.

The Council website carries a link at the top of the home page here for further updates.

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