hibs fans

Hibs’ captain David Gray is looking forward to leading the team out at Hampden Park this afternoon for the Scottish League Cup Final presented by Utilita against Ross County.

The popular defender missed out in a trip to the National Stadium last year when injury ruled him out of the Scottish Cup semi-final against Falkirk although he has played there before as a youngster in the Victory Shield.

Today Hibs face Ross County and Gray is confident that the four days spent in Spain will prove beneficial given the hectic schedule the players have been through recently, and the training sessions in the sun coupled with a large Hibs’ support at Hampden could be the difference between the teams.

Speaking to Hibs TV, he said:” The training camp was really good. I think it was a real worthwhile trip. I think the most important thing was to get a bit sun on your back and get three good days training because we have had a lot of midweek games and a pile up of fixtures so to be able to have a full week uninterupted training has been good.

“Everyone involved with the club is really looking forward toĀ the final. theseĀ occasions don’t come round all the time and might not come round again. We need to approach the game as we would any other game and try not to treat it too differently because at the same time it’s just two teams meeting for a game of football although obviously there is a great added incentive for the winners.

“To have 30,000 Hibs supporters there will be great for us and they will have a great day out particularly with the doom and gloom two years ago dealing with relegation and we have been trying to rebuild because of that and as you can see the fans have stuck by us.

“For the last two years since I have been at the club the fans have been outstanding. to be able to give them a successful day out will be great for us.

ā€œComing into the start of this season and looking around the dressing room and seeing the players weā€™ve got and the strength in depth and competition for places we have at the minute, I always knew that if we weā€™re playing well at the time, that these opportunities would come up again. Itā€™s something Iā€™m definitely looking forward to.”


John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.