collection 4 at summerhall

Collection 4: The Photographers’ Collective.  The Photographers’ Collective was established in 2011 to promote and nurture the talent of photographers working in Edinburgh and further afield. Collection 4 is its fourth annual exhibition of new photography, and features founding members Albie Clark, Jon Lee, Susie Lowe and Susan Young, plus Collective members Kevin McCollum, Ronnie Baxter and Paul T Cowan. Continuing its efforts in representing new photographic work from Scottish-based artists, The Collective is proud to introduce three new Showcase members: Raymond Keith, Gregor Schmatz and Kevin Gilchrist. Representing a broad range of subject matter, artistic approaches and methodologies, Collection 4 acts as both a barometer of modern Scottish photography and an insight into how the medium continues to inspire, educate and innovate. Opens today, then 12 noon-6pm daily, Upper Hope Park Church Gallery, Summerhall, 1 Summerhall. Free. Ends 25th October 2015.

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Holiday Activities with the Water of Leith Conservation Trust: Winter Wilderness Survival Skills. Water, food, shelter and fire are the keys to surviving in winter; come and learn new skills from the ‘wild women’! 2pm, Water of Leith Visitor Centre, 24 Lanark Road. £4 per child (accompanying adult free); booking is essential  and may be made by calling 0131 455 7367 or emailing


Susan Tomes Lecture Recital: following a fascinating lecture recital earlier this year, pianist Susan Tomes now introduces Beethoven’s wonderful E major sonata opus 109, with examples played and explained before she gives a complete performance of the work. The concert opens with three of Beethoven’s sparkling Bagatelles. Escape the hustle and bustle and join Susan in the relaxed setting of Venue 2. Catch up with friends over an optional soup and sandwich lunch in the upstairs bar from noon, followed by an hour of classical music from 1pm. 12 noon (lunch), 1pm (concert), The Brunton Theatre, Ladywell Way, Musselburgh. Tickets cost £7 (concert only) or £13 (includes lunch) if bought in advance. Lunch bookings close the day before the event; concert only tickets may be purchased on the day (subject to availability) at the higher price of £8. To book please call the Box Office on 0131 665 2240 or, for concert tickets only, visit Hub Tickets here (transaction fee applies).

Cameo Silver Screen: if you are over 60, join the Silver Screen Club (it’s free to join – ask at the Box Office) and get tickets for just £5, plus free tea, coffee and biscuits, at these special weekly screenings. Today’s films are Sicario (15) showing at 12.50pm and 3.30pm, Macbeth (15) showing at 1.30pm and 4pm, Everest 2D (12A) showing at 3.20pm, and 45 years (15) showing at 1.10pm. Cameo, Home Street. Tickets may be purchased from the Box Office in person, by calling 0871 902 5723 or online. Non-members are also welcome at these screenings but will be charged standard ticket prices.

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Lunchtime Concert: students from the Reid School of Music (University of Edinburgh). 1.10pm, City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh. Free.

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Dan Lungu and James Meek: Creating and Re-Creating Reality. Dan Lungu, acclaimed Romanian contemporary writer and visionary creator of FILIT, Romania’s most successful international literary festival,  joins writer, journalist, and winner of the 2015 Orwell Prize for political writing James Meek for a conversation about chronicling the complicated passage of a society: from the abyss of the dictatorial decades to the uncertainties of today. Chaired by Peggy Hughes. 7pm, Netherbow Theatre, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street. Tickets cost £5/£4 and may be purchased from the Box Office on 0131 556 9579 or online here. Part of Romanian Cultural Days in Edinburgh (see Monday’s listings).

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The Scottish Chamber Orchestra and the Library: Folklore and Fairy Tales. Violinist and journalist Rosenna East and guests explore how folklore and fairy tales inspired Jean Sibelius’ only opera, The Maiden in the Tower. Through live music and discussion, the event examines the themes that influenced Sibelius, along with the effect of Finnish culture on contemporary composer Lotta Wennäkoski. 6pm, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge. Free but booking is required; please call 0131 623 3734 or book online here.The Scottish Chamber Orchestra will perform works by Sibelius, Nielsen and Wennäkoski at Queens Hall, Edinburgh, on 29 October.


Colinton Community Council: the agenda for this meeting (which includes items on Colinton CC’s position re the Boundary Commission Consultation and the application for the Garden District) and the draft minutes of the previous one may be found here. 7pm, Colinton Bowling Club, 49a Redford Road.

Image: David Rose for The Daily Telegraph
Image: David Rose for The Daily Telegraph

Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock: Women In Science -The Challenge. ‘Our society’, says space scientist and science communicator Dr Aderin-Pocock, ‘doesn’t encourage children to dream’. She wants to change that. Maggie Aderin-Pocock studied at Imperial College London, where she obtained a degree in Physics and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, and has spent her career making novel, bespoke instrumentation in both the industrial and academic environments, ranging from hand-held land mine detectors to subsystems for space telescopes. To further share her passion for science, Maggie runs her own company, Science Innovation Ltd, through which she conducts public engagement activities; this has enabled her to present her science ideas to diverse audiences, from school children to politicians, and to date she has given presentations to over 200,000 people around the world. Maggie is also co-host of The Sky at Night, the world’s longest running science television series; she recently published a book on stargazing, in which she shares her enthusiasm for all the joys of the night sky. edinburgh_napier_logo6pm, Riady Theatre, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University, Glenlockhart Road. Free but please register your attendance by emailing

6. A Calendar of Memories

Luminate Festival: A Calendar of Memories. Stories, songs, music, laughter and reminiscence in the relaxed setting of the Storytelling Court. Hosted by the Life Stories Project, who specialise in sharing stories with older people to help rekindle imagination, trigger memories and increase communication. 2pm, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street. Tickets cost £3 and may be purchased from the Box Office on 0131 556 9579 or online here. Part of Luminate, Scotland’s creative ageing festival.

i am breathing

Filmosophy: Regeneration. The fifth season of Filmosophy is offered in association with the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, a world-leading research centre studying stem cells, disease and tissue repair to advance human health. The films screened will allow an opportunity to discuss the Centre’s groundbreaking research and will seek to distinguish between science fiction and science fact, and to gain an invaluable insight into the lives of those touched by the diseases and injuries that regenerative medicine aims to treat. The screenings will be introduced by James Mooney, Short Courses lecturer and course organiser at the University of Edinburgh. Today’s film is the documentary I Am Breathing (15): when Neil Platt is diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease at the age of 33, he makes the unusual decision to document his final months, not just in a blog but by inviting a film crew into the home he shares with his tireless wife Louise and toddler son Oscar. The result is a heartbreaking, funny and tender portrayal of incredible fortitude and love. The screening will be followed by a discussion with James Mooney, Sonja Henrici (Scottish Documentary Institute), Louise Oswald (Neil Platt’s former wife) and Sir Ian Wilmut (Centre for Regenerative Medicine). 5.45pm, Filmhouse, Lothian Road. Tickets may be purchased from the Box Office in person, by calling 0131 228 2688 or online here: prices vary. The next film in this series will be The Fountain on 10th November 2015.

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Our Changing World: The Obesity Pandemic – Winners and Losers in Adapting to Affluence. Not all obese people develop disease and not everyone in an ‘obesogenic environment’ is equally susceptible to weight gain; Brian Walker, Professor of Endocrinology and Head of the University/BHF Centre for Cardiovascular Science, will consider how individuals vary in their capacity to adapt to changes in energy balance and the implications for society’s response to the obesity pandemic. 6.30-8pm (doors open 6.15pm), University of Edinburgh, George Square Lecture Theatre, George Square. Free and open to all, but please register via eventbrite here.

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Leith Folk Club: Julie Felix + support Martin Lennon.What began for Julie Felix as simple home entertainment, as her father and his friends played Mariachi (Mexican folk) music into the small hours of the morning, has become this legendary woman’s profession for nearly 50 years. 7.30pm, Victoria Park House Hotel, 221 Ferry Road. Tickets cost £9 and may be reserved by completing the online form here or texting the club’s dedicated booking line on 07502 024 852. Reserved tickets must be collected by 7.30pm on the night.

Cameo Discover Tuesdays: a chance to see something different, from cult classics to art-house gems and riveting documentaries. Tonight’s film is Horse Money (12A) (in Creole and Portuguese with English subtitles): invoking the photography of Jacob Riis (1849 – 1914), the famous American photographer, journalist, and advocate for poverty reform, Pedro Costa’s new film is a powerful indictment of social and racial injustice. 6pm,  Cameo, Home Street. Tickets may be purchased from the Box Office in person, by calling 0871 902 5723 or online here.

horse money