Clara Berry, People's Postcode Lottery and Nick Barley, Edinburgh International Book Festival, celebrate support from PPL for the Book Festival c Alan McCredie

The People’s Postcode Lottery announced at their recent Gala Dinner that players of People’s Postcode Lottery were giving a number of supported charities an extra £1.4 Million.

Charities including The Edinburgh International Book Festival, The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, National Museums Scotland and National Galleries of Scotland  have now received an extra £25,000 this year on top of the sums of money they already received from players. This extra money will make a considerable difference to the communities, environments and individuals  that the charities work with.

Clara Govier, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, said, “The supported charities set to receive this extra £25,000 provide vital services across Great Britain and internationally, so I am delighted that this extra funding will enable them to progress with their work. As the number of players continues to increase, the amounts awarded to charities will only continue to rise. On behalf of all the supported charities, I would like to say a massive thank you to all the players. Your support makes such a difference to so many lives.” 

The Gala Dinner was held at Mansfield Traquair and the guests were entertained by Sistema Scotland, the children’s orchestra which is supported by People’s Postcode Lottery.

Photo © Alan McCredie