missing guide dog

Tess is still missing

New wave tank at University of Edinburgh opened



Architects charity 

Tess the guide dog which has gone missing in Nairn has not yet been returned to her owner Fraser Stevenson. Do you have any news or information? Phone 0800 6888 409 if you do.


New climate change minister Amber Rudd MP found out first-hand about the UK’s leading role in ocean energy research and development when she officially opened the world’s most sophisticated tide and wave simulator in Edinburgh yesterday.

The FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility, located at Edinburgh University’s King’s Buildings campus, is a 25 metre circular pool which can recreate waves and currents from coastlines around the UK, Europe and beyond.

Read more here.


We have a couple of great competitions running this week. You can win tickets for Foodies or dinner for two at the Pommery Bar along with Tattoo tickets.

Click here for Foodies Festival tickets

Click here for Pommery Bar and Tattoo tickets.

The Fringe is now well underway and the Edinburgh International Festival will follow with the Edinburgh International Book Festival hot on its heels.

We would like  to see your photos and videos of the sights you see and have your reviews of the shows you get along to.

Add your photos, videos and reviews here.


Here is an innovative charity set up by The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland. Click on the picture to go to the charity website.
