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Royal Marines are 350 years old! – Film Festival – Scottish Storytelling Centre this Summer – Farmers Market – Edinburgh Festival Carnival

The Royal Marines are coming to Edinburgh this weekend to celebrate the Corps’ 350th birthday. Members of the public will be able to join the birthday celebrations in Princes Street Gardens where a Family Open Day and Royal Marines Band concert are planned.

Young and old will be able to visit arctic, jungle and desert displays – all areas that Royal Marines are specialists in – as well as watch unarmed combat displays and a chance to take on some physical challenges of their own.

If that all becomes too much then the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Scotland will be keeping the crowds entertained with their precision in the Ross Bandstand.

But before the Family Day gets underway the men of 45 Commando Royal Marines will hand the Royal Marines 1664 Challenge baton to those from the Royal Marines Reserve Scotland at a ceremony at the One O’Clock gun at Edinburgh Castle.

Event timings today

12pm – Royal Marines taking part in the 1664 Challenge will begin a march/run from Holyrood Palace up to Edinburgh Castle along the Royal Mile.

1pm – The 1664 Challenge baton will be handed from 45 Commando to RMR Scotland at the One O’Clock Gun.

1:05pm – The Royal Marines Band Scotland will begin a promenade concert below the Castle in the Ross Bandstand of Princes Street Gardens and begin the open day.

12:30pm–5pm – displays and events for all the family to watch and take part in throughout Princes Street Gardens.


The Just Independent Asian Film Festival starts on 9 July and for a few days you are promised some lovely imagery at The Scottish Storytelling Centre on the High Street.

Here is a taster for you.

Here is the full programme of what’s on at the Storytelling Centre for the summer:-

Click to access Events-Jul-Sep-2014.pdf


Farmers-Market-Castle-Terrace-stallsThe Edinburgh Farmers’ Market is on at Castle Terrace from 9.00am this morning until 2.00pm.

This is a great place to go and have breakfast on the hoof or buy some supplies for your weekend dinner parties.

Since this is the first Saturday of the month there will be a slow food cooking demonstration.

More information here on the Farmers Market website. You can find out which of their many suppliers are selling their wares this weekend.

phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpgYou will need a costume for The Edinburgh Festival Carnival and this morning you can go along to Summerhall for a workshop and learn how to make your own.

Tonight there is a Carnival party also at Summerhall

Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival, the producers of Edinburgh Festival Carnival are bringing you an evening of live music, circus performance and carnival activities – this party will kick your summer off in style. The first Carnival Party in Edinburgh’s history is going to be a riot of costumes, dancing and fun.

This is what the carnival will look like in a couple of weeks’ time:-

On Sunday, July 20, Edinburgh’s city centre will be awash with music, dance and colour as the Carnival spirit arrives in town to mark the opening of the 2014 Summer Festival season.

From 2pm to 4pm, the Edinburgh Festival Carnival will present more than 400 international and local performers, taking residents and visitors to the city on a vibrant global musical journey. There will be fun and entertainment for the family throughout the afternoon, providing a free day out, thanks to the support of City of Edinburgh Council.

With a combination of professionals and amateurs, the Carnival is an adventure in rhythm and melody with music, dance, colourful costumes and street entertainment.

We can’t wait!

Here is the Jazz Festival programme for you to peruse…… but hurry as some of the shows are already sold out.

Click to access EJF2014.pdf