
Kind hearted Hibs’ fans have stepped in to help Macmillan Cancer Support by taking over a planned bucket collection outside Easter Road stadium before this Saturday’s match against Motherwell.

When the Hibernian Community Foundation’s Healthy Hibee, FFiT and Fit for Change groups learned that Macmillan’s planned bucket shake had to be cancelled due to their normal fundraisers having prior commitments when the game was rescheduled, they immediately volunteered to help this worthwhile cause.

Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer offering practical, emotional and financial help. They also provide trained medical professionals to the NHS and have cancer centres throughout the country where people receive expert care in a specially-designed environment.

Four million people are expected to be living with or beyond cancer in 2030 – which means the need for Macmillan’s work is set to increase dramatically. Thanks to their loyal and committed supporters, over 98% of their income in 2012 came from voluntary donations and fundraising.


HCF volunteer Glenn Milne said: “Macmillan were allocated the match, originally scheduled for Wednesday 26 March for a bucket collection in and around the stadium, but when the match was rescheduled, their volunteers were already committed to another event, and it looked like the local charity, based at the Western General Hospital would lose out on the opportunity. The health groups run by the Hibernian Community Foundation have all had inputs from cancer groups on how to use diet, exercise and regular checks to try to prevent this disease, which one in three of us can get, and decided that they would volunteer and help out the charity. Look out for our 20 collectors, who will be wearing the FFiT Hibs tops on match day, and help us to help MacMillan. Don’t forget your spare change!

“If you want to do more, Macmillan are looking for volunteers to take part in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival 24 and 25 May, check out their website for other local events.”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.