Alison Johnstone MSP

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian, is backing Amnesty International’s Write for Rights Campaign 2013.

The annual global campaign highlights human rights abuses taking place around the world while others are celebrating the holiday season. Ordinary people everywhere are asked to send a message of solidarity and hope, or to appeal directly to the relevant government in the country where the abuse is taking place.

Alison has written in support of Eskinder Nega, a journalist being held in prison by the Ethiopian authorities for speaking out about the Ethiopian Government’s use of anti-terror laws and for speculating that the Arab Spring could extend to Ethiopia.

Speaking in support of the Write for Rights Campaign, Alison Johnstone MSP said: “I am backing Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign to help them highlight these appalling human rights violations. Amnesty International does a great job shining a light on some of the worst violations of rights across the world, and the Write for Rights Campaign is a simple way in which people can play their part in helping them to do so.

“I would encourage anyone who is interested in taking part to look at Amnesty’s website for details of the cases they are highlighting this year, and discover how easy it is to participate. At a time of year when many of us are celebrating; it is nice if we can take just a little bit of time to help others – together we have the potential to make a huge difference.”

Amnesty International Scotland’s Programme Director Richard Hamer added: “I would like to thank Alison for taking part in our Write for Rights Campaign and helping raise awareness of the cases we have chosen of ordinary men and women who are having their human rights taken from them in the most appalling ways.

“It is a sad fact that the thirteen cases we have chosen to highlight this year are only a very small sample of some of the individual cases that Amnesty International is dealing with. However, we know the power people have when they come together to make a stand and put pressure on governments involved to help those we have identified.”

Details of the Write for Rights Campaign can be found at the Amnesty International website at

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.