Christopher Henry Davies was awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queens June Birthday Honours List, and he attended a special ceremony in the Lord Provost’s offices today for the medal to be presented to him.

Mr Davies has had a varied career across the globe working in developing international companies and employees. He retired in 2000 and has since devoted his time to numerous community causes and organisations. He has been diagnosed with Parkinsons which has made his work more challenging but he is still committed to helping others.

SONY DSCHis various positions include:- Chair of Colinton Garden Club, Editor of Scottish Gardner’s Forum and St Cuthbert’s The Sign magazines and Chair of Faith in Older People.

The British Empire Medal (BEM) is a British medal awarded for meritorious civil or military service worthy of recognition by the Crown. It was established in 1922 to replace the Medal of the Order of the British Empire

The BEM was awarded to subjects of the United Kingdom until 1992. Those awarded the honour did not receive it from the monarch but from the Lord Lieutenant of their county or a local authority. Then Prime Minister, Sir John Major decided that the distinction between the BEM and MBE had “become increasingly tenuous” and he wanted more local people to receive their awards from the Queen herself.

Mr & Mrs Davies
Mr & Mrs Davies

The Lord Provost said:-“It gives me great pleasure to present the BEM today. Christopher is a man who has used his skills and ability to give back to this city and to his community, he has thrived in both his career and through his voluntary work, contributing to the many charities and organisations where he has now undoubtedly made himself indispensable.

His achievements, drive and energy have earned him the reputation as Edinburgh’s very own Alan Titchmarsh!

The results speak for themselves – Since taking over as Chair at Colinton Garden Club their membership has close to doubled. He has overseen activities and social functions making them well organised and effective but also welcoming and enjoyable to everyone.”

Mr Davies said:-“I never expected to receive such an honour. I enjoy what I am doing. But I am delighted and feel very honoured and I shall wear this medal with pride at various formal occasions.”