
Summerhall Venue 26 Dates:  2 – 25 Aug 2013 (not 12) Time: 20.30 (ends 21.30) Tickets: £10         (£8 concs)  

The story of the life, work and assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya

Set in and around a lift, the location of her death, Badac’s (The Factory) new piece follows the life, work and assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. Exploring her exposure of human rights abuses committed during the second Russian/Chechnya war and its aftermath, the drama features specific events that Politkovskaya reported on, while recreating some of the horrors she faced in her pursuit of justice. This is an intense study of the persecution, imprisonment, torture and murder that journalists suffer globally as they strive to bring human rights abuses to the attention of the world.

Anna has been created with the support and cooperation of Politkovskaya’s family. Written and directed by Steve Lambert with Marnie Baxter leading a cast of 5 featuring Stage Awards Best Actress winner Saskia Schuk.

Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya was a US-born Russian journalist, writer, and human rights activist known for her opposition to the Chechen war and Russian President Vadimir Putin. On 7 October 2006 she was shot and killed in the lift of her apartment block; an unsolved assassination that continues to attract international attention.

Founded in 1999, this is Badac’s seventh visit to the Fringe. Their work focuses on human rights issues and is brave, dark, all-consuming and stunning in every meaning of the word. Badac’s The Factory, set in a series of cellars beneath the Pleasance provoked extreme reactions. Some found its brutality intensely moving and affecting, some left, shocked, shaken and needing consolation from venue staff. Other past shows include The Cry, Crucifixion, Ashes To Ashes, The Devoured, Cage, Lunatics and Al Nakba.


John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.